Australian Institute of Credit Management (AICM)
September 2010
Collexus is a 2010/11 corporate member of AICM and will be a trade exhibitor at the 2010 AICM National Conference being held in Surfers Paradise from 13th -15th October. On our stand we will be providing information on the latest debt collection software technology in Australia. We look forward to meeting up with you at booth 4 and getting to know your business requirements.
Collexus® Trade Mark Registration
March 2010
Collexus® is registered as a Trade Mark in the register of Trade Marks and Collexus Pty Ltd has been registered as the owner of the trade mark.
Collexus Announces Release 2.4
1st March 2010
Collexus Pty Ltd, the producer of intelligent flexible
debt collection software, is proud to announce the availability of Collexus Release 2.4.
This release is packed with new features that take our debt collection agency software to a new level of sophistication. Some of these new features are:
New Client Online Access features
- The ability to view and download letters and other documents produced from or linked to a Collexus file.
- A new List All Active Files option is now available and allows the client to easily work through and review each file under management.
- Column sorting has been added to the File Enquiry page. To sort by a particular column, you simply click the column heading.
Debtor Payment Batch Loading
- The ability to load payments from text files supplied by clients or service providers such as BPAY or BillPay.
- The ability to automatically run post-load decision making work flow that can, among other things, automatically close the file if paid in full.
Improvements to Client Statement Production
- The ability to now produce statements in both PDF and Excel format.
- The ability to run statements in a background process.
Multiple Plaintiff’s
- Collexus legal document production now allows for the entry of multiple plaintiff’s. This is primarily useful for insurance recoveries where the plaintiff is the insured party and there is more than one party covered by the policy.
Additional options for the generation of client statistics reports.
Collexus Debt Collection Software – Your Road to the Future
AGENT August/September 09 Volume 42 Issue 4
August 2009

The Institute of Mercantile Agents (IMA) publishes the bi-monthly magazine AGENT which is issued to members and industry stakeholders including Debt Collectors, Investigators, Process Servers and Repossession Agents.
The first of our advertisements for Collexus debt collection software is featured on the inside cover on page 2 of the AGENT August/September 09 Volume 42 Issue 4. This eye catching advertisement is one that I am sure everyone can relate to.
To obtain a copy of AGENT contact IMA at
AGENT June/July 09 Volume 42 Issue 3
29 Jun 2009
The Institute of Mercantile Agents (IMA) publishes the bi-monthly magazine AGENT which is issued to members and industry stakeholders including Debt Collectors, Investigators, Process Servers and Repossession Agents.
We were excited to see that the Collexus debt collection software is featured in the Technology News section on page 13 of the AGENT June/July 09 Volume 42 Issue 3. The write up announces the launch of our new debt collection software and explains the advantages of using our state-of-the-art debt recovery technology (see below excerpt). Collexus is also recognised as a conference sponsor on page 21 in the FCS Online IMA National Conference section of the AGENT. To obtain a copy of AGENT contact IMA at
AGENT excerpt –
[Collexus is a new generation of intelligent debt collection software built for high transaction volumes and packed with all the features needed to run a successful debt recovery operation.
The Collexus team has over 18 years of experience in debt collection software development. Their package has been built from the ground up by qualified programmers with real collections knowledge using enterprise-grade rapid development toolsets.
This state-of-the-art technology is Internet browser-based, which means operators can work from anywhere.
“Collexus gives you the power to run your business your way” says Brent Duxbury, Managing Director of Collexus.
Collexus provide full functionality to their clients rather than locking them into expensive ongoing support. This is achieved through user-definable work flow management; Word-based document production; flexible, fully automated Excel-based reporting; and annual product upgrades.
Collexus' commitment to delivering a superior, all-Australian product means their feature-rich software fits the exact needs of Australian collection businesses.]
Note: Article excerpt and AGENT cover image reproduced with prior written permission from the AGENT publisher 02 July 2009.
2009 IMA National Conference 14-16 May
16 May 2009
Collexus Debt Collection Software was well received at the IMA conference and it was great to catch up with old friends and associates. Our exhibitor stand generated a great deal of interest and there was plenty of activity during the breaks in the sessions.
The Collexus business card draw for the iPod created much excitement in Session 12 on Saturday afternoon and the winners drawn by facilitator Tim Nethercote are:
Neil Wood - Global Credit Solutions Limited
Basil Faulkner – AAC Process Servers & Investigations
Congratulations to our winners and thank you to those who attended the Collexus stand to submit your business card. We trust you found the Collexus stand informative and hope that you will contact us to arrange a more comprehensive demonstration of Collexus Debt Collection Software.
Institute of Mercantile Agents (IMA)
7 April 2009
Collexus registered as an affiliate member for IMA hoping to re-connect with IMA’s members after several years out of the industry. We look forward to catching up with some old friends and continuing our long association.
Collexus will also be an exhibitor at the 2009 IMA National Conference being held in Melbourne. This will stage the official launch of Collexus Debt Collection Software and our new corporate look. Please come and visit us at our stand and say hello!
RSPCA Victorian Bush Fire Appeal
24 February 2009
Like so many other Victorians and Australians, Collexus is shocked and touched by the images from the Victorian Bush Fires. One particular image has caught the attention of the world and that is of Sam the koala receiving a drink by CFA volunteer David Tree.
Huge volunteer efforts and donations are being made for the human survivors but the RSPCA is also overwhelmed with calls for help and they have stretched resources.
Collexus donated to the RSPCA to ensure the RSPCA can continue their efforts to care for all the pets, livestock and wild life in these grief stricken areas.